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Talk with in a sentence

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Sentence count:153+4Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: get along withtalktalk overwithwithoutgo withdo withwithin
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91 I could spice my talk with Talmudic lore, too.
92 He likes to talk with erudite people.
93 Stop and talk with people who live a traditional nomadic lifestyle.
94 Excerpt from a talk with the British Foreign Secretary, Geoffrey Howe.
95 Excerpt from a talk with Masayoshi Ohira, Prime Minister of Japan.
96 When someone you know is feeling low because of recent disappointments, take time off to talk with them about their past successes.
97 You can't talk with those peasants. They can clam up as well as the Foreign Office.
98 "We had a talk with our bank over who's responsible, and they said we are because our computers were targeted, " says Jugal Malani, Unique Industrial's chief executive.
99 Talk with your doctor before using a decongestant if you have high blood pressure, kidney disease, glaucoma, thyroid problems or diabetes.
100 The talk with him further gave evidence to his simplicity, modesty amiability, ingenuity, and wide interests.
101 I decided to have a heart-to-heart talk with my son about smoking.
102 Excerpt from a talk with President Hussain Muhammad Ershad of Bangladesh.
103 She is clearly out of temper and you should have a talk with her.
104 They should talk with their health care professional if they have any concerns about Plavix.
105 My parents had a long talk with me after the midterm examination.
106 I want to talk with people are using their mother tongue.
107 He looks like he's got an axe to grind. Better have a talk with him.
108 Remember not to speak to ( talk with ) that teddy boy.
109 Excerpt from a talk with the British Foreign Secretary , Sir Geoffrey Howe.
110 Excerpt from a talk with the Chinese - American physicist Prize winner Professor Tsung - Dao Lee of Columbia University.
111 Before the wedding, I had a heart-to-heart talk with my mother.
112 Excerpt from a talk with President Paul Biya of the Republic of Cameroon.
113 The speaking section involves a person - to - person talk with a trained examiner.
114 Our head teacher had a talk with each of us.
115 You've got a hinge on your tongue and you talk with both ends.
116 If one talk with the teachers at Yorkshire, however, it quickly becomes clear that an impressive mummer of very capable and creative teachers work here.
117 That's why we Chinese talk with each other in Mandrin.
118 Kane talked with Brigham Young. Then he went to army camp to talk with Governor Cumming.
119 Yes, I'd like to talk with your sale manager about something troublesome.
120 I hate to talk with people who breathe out wine fumes.
More similar words: get along withtalktalk overwithwithoutgo withdo withwithindown withmeet withwithdrawgo withoutdeal withdo withoutplay withbear withget on withwith younglive withcope withbegin withalong withdo away withend up withagree withput up withcome up withtogether within line withcomply with
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